Monday 29 October 2012

Hairdressing; Colour Change Service

So now for a rather geeky confession...the reason I love colouring people's hair? Yes it makes a huge change to someones appearance and yes, there's a bit more variety with colouring then cutting but really?...It's because there is so much science behind it all and I love a challenge! Anyone who has used a home hair kit will know that hair colour very rarely turns out the way it looks on the box.
There are so many factors that need to be considered before selecting the correct colour and tone; condition of the hair? Does the hair need to be stripped if too dark? Does the hair need to be pre-pigmented if too light? Are the tones compatible? Does the colour need to be neutralised etc etc...
Fiona has had highlights in her hair for the past 5 years and decided it was time for a change. To get Fiona's hair ready for the darker colour, it was essential we pre-pigmented her hair first...basically putting back in the colour which the years of bleach had stripped out. Without doing so, the hair would have turned a khaki, light brown. Once the warmth was put back into Fiona's hair, we could begin the normal colouring process...
For colour services and enquires, please contact me:
Vicky Brown Hair and Makeup Artist; Saks NVQ2 Hairdressing, L'Oreal Colour Key's, L'Oreal Colour Change.

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