Monday 29 April 2013

Getting the Most of your Bridal Hair and Makeup Trial

Brides to be, this is a little guide on how to get the most out of your Bridal Trial based on my experience. As with all other aspects of the lead up to your wedding, It really shouldn’t be stressful, it should be enjoyable!

Set-up and time of day
I don’t need much! I’m used to working in all situations but for your trial, it is important you are somewhere you feel relaxed:
Low backed chair or stool
Table/work surface space
Electrical Point (for hair)
A nice light room
We do not need a mirror set up as I bring a hand held mirror

A kitchen or dining room table near a window is ideal. I tend to turn most lights off and just work with the natural light where possible. Artificial lighting casts a warm tone over the skin and can change colours and cast shadows. This is also a factor when booking the trial in the winter months, by 3.30pm the daylight is almost gone.

What to wear
“Really?” you’re thinking, but it’s true. If you are wearing an old jumper, your hair and makeup will not look glamorous! To get an accurate feel for how it will all look on the day either:
Wear something you feel good in
Something white
If you have a strapless dress, try wearing something without straps or a vest top you can pull the straps down on.

Prepare images
It’s all about preparation. Gather information and have it all ready to be looked at, whether that’s on a laptop or scrap-book, it is all helpful.
When it comes to hair and makeup looks, this is really essential. The difference between verbalising your ideas and showing is what will make your make-up work.
Your idea of a soft smokey eye can be totally different to another’s. Your idea of natural is another brides over-done. Try taking a look at Pinterest, I have also set up some boards which may help you

Tell me what you like and dislike
Another important step in creating your look is describing your own everyday hair and makeup. If you have a signature look or style that makes you who you are, it’s so important that I know otherwise you will not feel yourself when you see the final look. No matter if it is a perfect bridal, glowing look; if you are used to wearing pencil liner on the inner rim of your eye or mascara on your bottom lashes, you will not like it without. Please come to your trial wearing your day to day makeup.
Please remember, I’m not here to recreate your usual make-up look, all the while guessing what you usually do, it can be really hard to feel like you’re being tested if you haven’t told me what you like and dislike! The purpose of having a hair and makeup artist for your wedding day is to ensure you have a look using professional products and styling that will last all day. Again, please come to your trial wearing your day to day makeup.

Second opinions
Is it important to you to have a second opinion? If yes, bring a bridesmaid or your friend along. Mums and sisters are ok too, as long as you are ok with having them there.  Many brides will orgainse a trial for the afternoon so they can wear hair and/or makeup out in the evening rather than having to take it off.

The big reveal
If you don’t like it….please say. Say it now whilst I’m still there with kit out and brushes to hand! The trial is there for exactly this reason. As a hair and makeup artist, it is my job to make you feel good and ensure that you look your very best. If you’re not sure about something, we can change it, it’s really not a problem. This is why the trials are scheduled to take longer, than the actual day.

Vicky Brown Hair and Makeup Artist
Based in Hertfordshire

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