Monday 25 February 2013

A Very Snowy Wedding

It was so lovely to receive photo's from Ashleigh and Nick's big day back in January. Despite the incredibly early start to ensure everyone got to South Farm on time, Ashleigh and Nick had a wonderful day and it appears that the snow only added to the day!

Vicky Brown Hair and Makeup Artist
Based in Hertfordshire

Thursday 7 February 2013

Cosmetic Surgery for Brides

I have recently been approached by a company hoping for me to promote teeth whitening, implants, cosmetic procedures, botox, derma fillers etc to my brides...
My response: "I'm afraid this isn't something I would feel comfortable offering or discussing with my brides as I'm a great believer of making the best of what you are given, not surgically enhancing it."
With such pressure on women these days to look a certain way, I think it is an awful business approach to play on already body conscious brides to be...
Vicky Brown Hair and Makeup
Based in Hertfordshire